Top "Avro" questions

Apache Avro is a data serialization framework primarily used in Apache Hadoop.

Apache Avro: map uses CharSequence as key

I am using Apache Avro. My schema has map type: {"name": "MyData", "type" : {"type": "map", "values":{ "type": "record", "name": "Person", "…

java avro
setting compression on hive table

I have a hive table based on avro schema. The table was created with the following query CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE …

hive compression hiveql avro snappy
Concat Avro files using avro-tools

Im trying to merge avro files into one big file, the problem is concat command does not accept the wildcard …

hadoop hdfs avro avro-tools
Start Confluent Schema Registry in windows

I have windows environment and my own set of kafka and zookeeper running. To use custom objects, I started to …

apache-kafka avro kafka-producer-api confluence-rest-api confluent-platform
Avro Schema format Exception - "record" is not a defined name

I'm trying to use this avro shcema { "namespace": "nothing", "name": "myAvroSchema", "type": "record", "fields": [ { "name": "checkInCustomerReference", "type": "string" }, { "name": "customerContacts", "…

json avro avro-tools
How to pass parameters for a specific Schema registry when using Kafka Avro Console Consumer?

I am trying to use Confluent kafka-avro-console-consumer, but how to pass parameters for Schema Registry to it?

apache-kafka avro confluent-platform confluent-schema-registry
Avro with Java 8 dates as logical type

Latest Avro compiler (1.8.2) generates java sources for dates logical types with Joda-Time based implementations. How can I configure Avro compiler …

java java-8 avro
Avro: deserialize json - schema with optional fields

There are a lot of questions and answers on stackoverflow on the subject, but no one that helps. I have …

json avro
Question populating nested records in Avro using a GenericRecord

Suppose I’ve got the following schema: { "name" : "Profile", "type" : "record", "fields" : [ { "name" : "firstName", "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "address" , "type" : { "type" : "…

Can you put comments in Avro JSON schema files?

I'm writing my first Avro schema, which uses JSON as the schema language. I know you cannot put comments into …

json avro