Top "Confluent-platform" questions

a Streaming Platform providing enterprise event streaming functionalities complementing Apache Kafka.

Confluent Maven repository not working?

I need to use the Confluent kafka-avro-serializer Maven artifact. From the official guide I should add this repository to my …

maven apache-kafka avro confluent-platform
confluent platform vs apache kafka

I am new to kafka and I am curious about the Confluent platform. It seems that there are not many …

apache-kafka confluent-platform
Connect to Kafka running in Docker

I setup a single node Kafka Docker container on my local machine like it is described in the Confluent documentation (…

java docker apache-kafka confluent-platform
Is the Confluent Platform based on Kafka free? open source?

Kafka itself is completely free and open source. Confluent is the for profit company by the creators of Kafka. The …

apache-kafka confluent-platform
Can't start zookeeper

I'm using confluent platform, the zookeeper is active with status lookup. but when I try to start kafka with confluent …

apache-kafka apache-zookeeper confluent-platform
Kafka setup with docker-compose

Hi I'm currently setting up Kafka with Docker. I've managed to setup Zookeeper and Kafka with the published confluent image, …

docker apache-kafka docker-compose confluent-platform
Does Kafka python API support stream processing?

I have used Kafka Streams in Java. I could not find similar API in python. Do Apache Kafka support stream …

python apache-kafka apache-kafka-streams confluent-platform kafka-python
Kafka producer difference between flush and poll

We have a Kafka consumer which will read messages and do so stuff and again publish to Kafka topic using …

python apache-kafka kafka-producer-api confluent-platform
Kafka : Running Confluent in a Windows environment

I set up Kafka for local run. I have written sample producer and consumer in Java and running from local, …

java apache-kafka kafka-producer-api apache-kafka-connect confluent-platform
Unknown magic byte with kafka-avro-console-consumer

I have been trying to connect with kafka-avro-console-consumer from Confluent to our legacy Kafka cluster, which was deployed without Confluent …

apache-kafka avro confluent-platform confluent-schema-registry