Top "Kafka-python" questions

Kafka-Python provides low-level protocol support for Apache Kafka as well as high-level consumer and producer classes.

Kafka in Docker not working

I am trying to use wurstmeister\kafka-docker image with docker-compose, but I am having real problems with connecting everything. All …

docker apache-kafka docker-compose kafka-python
How to get latest offset for a partition for a kafka topic?

I am using the Python high level consumer for Kafka and want to know the latest offsets for each partition …

python apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api kafka-python
kafka-python: producer is not able to connect

kafka-python (1.0.0) throws error while connecting to the broker. At the same time /usr/bin/kafka-console-producer and /usr/bin/kafka-console-consumer work …

apache-kafka kafka-python
NoBrokersAvailable: NoBrokersAvailable-Kafka Error

i have already started to learn Kafka. Trying basic operations on it. I have stucked on a point which about …

python apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api kafka-producer-api kafka-python
How to programmatically create a topic in Apache Kafka using Python

So far I haven't seen a python client that implements the creation of a topic explicitly without using the configuration …

python apache-kafka kafka-python kafka-topic
how to send JSON object to kafka from python client

I have a simple JSON object like the following d = { 'tag ': 'blah', 'name' : 'sam', 'score': {'row1': 100, 'row2': 200 } } …

python json apache-kafka kafka-python
How to subscribe to a list of multiple kafka wildcard patterns using kafka-python?

I'm subscribing to Kafka using a pattern with a wildcard, as shown below. The wildcard represents a dynamic customer id. …

python apache-kafka kafka-python
kafka-python consumer start reading from offset (automatically)

I'm trying to build an application with kafka-python where a consumer reads data from a range of topics. It is …

python-3.x apache-kafka offset kafka-consumer-api kafka-python
Kafka optimal retention and deletion policy

I am fairly new to kafka so forgive me if this question is trivial. I have a very simple setup …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api kafka-producer-api kafka-python
Kafka Consumer: How to start consuming from the last message in Python

I am using Kafka 0.8.1 and Kafka python-0.9.0. In my setup, I have 2 kafka brokers setup. When I run my kafka …

python apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api kafka-python