Top "Apache-kafka-connect" questions

Apache Kafka Connect is a tool for scalable and reliable streaming data between Apache Kafka and other data systems.

Kafka Connect running out of heap space

After starting Kafka Connect (connect-standalone), my task fails immediately after starting with: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at java.…

java apache-kafka jvm apache-kafka-connect
How to connect Kafka with Elasticsearch?

I am new in Kafka, I use kafka to collect netflow through logstash(it is ok), and I want to …

elasticsearch apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api apache-kafka-connect
How can i get all group list with kafka0.10.x

when i use kafka0.8.x,i can get all group list with zookeeper by path /consumers/group_id, because offsets …

apache-kafka apache-zookeeper kafka-consumer-api apache-kafka-connect
Kafka connect: The configuration XXX was supplied but isn't a known config in AdminClientConfig

When starting Kafka-Connect, I saw lots of warnings 10:33:56.706 [DistributedHerder] WARN org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.AdminClientConfig - The configuration 'config.…

apache-kafka apache-kafka-connect
What is a simple, effective way to debug custom Kafka connectors?

I'm working a couple of Kafka connectors and I don't see any errors in their creation/deployment in the console …

java debugging apache-kafka slf4j apache-kafka-connect
Kafka Connect Distributed mode The group coordinator is not available

I have been trying this for two weeks now, I am running Kafka cluster on separate machines than my connect …

apache-kafka apache-kafka-connect
Kafka Connect - How to delete a connector

I created a cassandra-sink connector after that I made some changes in file. After stopping the worker and …

apache-kafka apache-kafka-connect
Kafka : Running Confluent in a Windows environment

I set up Kafka for local run. I have written sample producer and consumer in Java and running from local, …

java apache-kafka kafka-producer-api apache-kafka-connect confluent-platform
Make Kafka Topic Log Retention Permanent

I am writing log messages into a Kafka Topic and I want the retention of this topic to be permanent. …

apache-kafka apache-kafka-connect
Kafka Connect JDBC sink connector not working

I am trying to use Kafka Connect JDBC sink connector to insert data into Oracle but it is throwing an …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api apache-kafka-connect