Top "Avro" questions

Apache Avro is a data serialization framework primarily used in Apache Hadoop.

Is it possible to have an optional field in an Avro schema (i.e. the field does not appear at all in the .json file)?

Is it possible to have an optional field in an Avro schema (i.e. the field does not appear at …

json avro
Kafka schema registry not compatible in the same topic

I'm using Kafka schema registry for producing/consuming Kafka messages, for example I have two fields they are both string …

apache-kafka avro confluent-schema-registry
Storing null values in avro files

I have some json data that looks like this: { "id": 1998983092, "name": "Test Name 1", "type": "search string", "creationDate": "2017-06-06T13:49:15.091+0000", "…

java avro avro-tools
Does binary encoding of AVRO compress data?

In one of our projects we are using Kafka with AVRO to transfer data across applications. Data is added to …

How to generate fields of type String instead of CharSequence using Avro?

I wrote one Avro schema in which some of the fields ** need to be ** of type String but Avro has …

java apache serialization avro
Kafka Streams - SerializationException: Unknown magic byte

I am trying to create a Kafka Streams Application which processes Avro records, but I am getting the following error: …

java apache-kafka avro apache-kafka-streams confluent-schema-registry
How to extract schema for avro file in python

I am trying to use the Python Avro library ( to read a AVRO file …

python schema avro
How to convert from GenericRecord to SpecificRecord in Avro for compatible schemas

Is the Avro SpecificRecord (i.e. the generated java classes) compatible with schema evolution? I.e. if I have a …

java avro
Integrating Spark Structured Streaming with the Confluent Schema Registry

I'm using a Kafka Source in Spark Structured Streaming to receive Confluent encoded Avro records. I intend to use Confluent …

apache-spark apache-kafka avro confluent-schema-registry spark-structured-streaming
Creating a Proper avro schema for timestamp record

I would like to know what the proper avro schema would be for some json to avro conversion that is …

json avro apache-nifi data-conversion