Apache Avro is a data serialization framework primarily used in Apache Hadoop.
I'm trying to validate a JSON file using an Avro schema and write the corresponding Avro file. First, I've defined …
json validation avroI'm actually trying to serialize objects containing dates with Avro, and the deserialized date doesn't match the expected value (tested …
java datetime serialization avroI am writing a spark job using python. However, I need to read in a whole bunch of avro files. …
python apache-spark avro pysparkI need to use the Confluent kafka-avro-serializer Maven artifact. From the official guide I should add this repository to my …
maven apache-kafka avro confluent-platformI can do, { "type": "record", "name": "Foo", "fields": [ {"name": "bar", "type": { "type": "record", "name": "Bar", "fields": [ ] }} ] } and that works fine, …
avroWorking on a pet project (cassandra, spark, hadoop, kafka) I need a data serialization framework. Checking out the common three …
hadoop serialization protocol-buffers thrift avroI'm looking for a way to convert a POJO to an avro object in a generic way. The implementation should …
java avroI'm trying to get Python to parse Avro schemas such as the following... from avro import schema mySchema = """ { "name": "person", "…
python avroI have a JSON document that I would like to convert to Avro and need a schema to be specified …
json serialization mapreduce avro