Apache Avro is a data serialization framework primarily used in Apache Hadoop.
With the Avro Java API, I can make a simple record schema like: Schema schemaWithTimestamp = SchemaBuilder .record("MyRecord").namespace("org.…
java time avroIs it possible to write an Avro schema/IDL that will generate a Java class that either extends a base …
avroIs there a way to use a schema to convert avro messages from kafka with spark to dataframe? The schema …
scala apache-spark apache-kafka spark-streaming avroIn python 2.7, using Avro, I'd like to encode an object to a byte array. All examples I've found write to …
python-2.7 avroAm fairly new to AVRO so please excuse if am missing anything obvious. Is there an AVRO validator/commandline utility …
json encoding validation avroWe are using kafka for storing messages and pushing an extremely large number of messages(> 30k in a minute). …
performance serialization apache-kafka protocol-buffers avroI am trying to use the avro-gradle-plugin on github, but have not gotten any luck getting it to work. Does …
hadoop gradle avroI am in Spark, I have an RDD from an Avro file. I now want to do some transformations on …
scala serialization avro apache-sparkI want to get started with using Avro with Map Reduce. Can Someone suggest a good tutorial / example to get …
mapreduce avro