Top "Avfoundation" questions

The AVFoundation framework provides both Objective-C and Swift interfaces for editing and playing audio-visual media in a Mac OSX or iOS application.

iOS Detect system volume level change. private API or not? AVSystemController_SystemVolumeDidChangeNotification

Can listening to AVSystemController_SystemVolumeDidChangeNotification NSNotification be considered (during the App Store review process) as using private API? In my …

ios avfoundation appstore-approval nsnotificationcenter iphone-privateapi
AVAssetWriter How to write down-sampled/compressed m4a/mp3 files

I'm trying to take a local m4a or mp3 file and compress/down-sample this file (for the purposes of …

ios avfoundation avassetwriter avassetreader
AVURLAsset loadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeys: completionHandler: never fires on device

I'm using next snippet to loadValues synchronously, so loading = NO never fires. And I have the same problem with AVAssetExportSession …

objective-c avfoundation avurlasset avassetexportsession
Swift - AVFoundation capture image orientation

I have a custom camera which takes photo in portrait mode. My issue is that if i try to take …

ios swift avfoundation landscape-portrait
AVAssetWriter sometimes fails with status AVAssetWriterStatusFailed. Seems random

I'm writing a MP4 video file with a AVAssetWriter using a AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor. The source is a video from a UIImagePickerController, …

objective-c cocoa-touch avfoundation avassetwriter
How to redirect audio to speakers in the AppRTC iOS example?

I'm trying to redirect audio to speakers in the AppRTC iOS example. I tried: AVAudioSession* session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance]; //error handling …

ios audio avfoundation webrtc apprtcdemo
AVFoundation - Reverse an AVAsset and output video file

I've seen this question asked a few times, but none of them seem to have any working answers. The requirement …

ios objective-c macos avfoundation
Can't get AVPlayerLayer to display video in NSView

I am trying to make a simple HLS player to control playback and display on a secondary monitor. I am …

cocoa avfoundation nsview osx-lion avplayer
iOS: AVPlayerViewController enable fullscreen rotation in portrait oriented application

I have a UIViewcontroller, which contains a AVPlayerViewController with AVPlayer. I want to enable rotation for AVPlayerViewController(when video is …

ios avfoundation fullscreen avplayer avplayerviewcontroller
Record and play audio simultaneously in iOS

I am trying to play the recorded content simultaneously while recording. Currently I am using AVAudioRecorder for recording and AVAudioPlayer …

iphone ios avfoundation avaudioplayer avaudiorecorder