Top "Avassetexportsession" questions

An AVAssetExportSession object transcodes the contents of an AVAsset source object to create an output of the form described by a specified export preset.

Cropping AVAsset video with AVFoundation

I am using AVCaptureMovieFileOutput to record some video. I have the preview layer displayed using AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspectFill which zooms in slightly. …

ios video avfoundation avassetexportsession
How do make a reduced size video using AVAssetWriter?

I would make reduced size video, maybe 50 pixel across and 75 pixels for length. Those are the physical dimension. How do …

ios video avassetexportsession avvideocomposition
Swift - Compressing video files

So, at the moment I am using this to compress video: func compressVideo(inputURL: NSURL, outputURL: NSURL, handler:(session: AVAssetExportSession)…

ios swift xcode video avassetexportsession
how to trim a video in swift for a particular time

I am working on a task in which I have to trim the recorded video from particular start point to …

ios swift trim avassetexportsession uivideoeditorcontroller
Square cropping and fixing the video orientation in iOS

I am capturing the video using UIImagePickerController, i can crop the video using the following code, AVAsset *asset = [AVAsset assetWithURL:…

ios objective-c video avfoundation avassetexportsession
Exporting mp4 through AVAssetExportSession fails

I start saying that I spent a lot of time searching through documentation, posts here and somewhere else, but I …

swift avfoundation avassetexportsession
AVAssetExportSession outputfile

How should the AVAssetExportSession output file look like? I'm trying to compress a video from an ALAsset item and it …

iphone ios video compression avassetexportsession
Progress bar for AVAssetExportSession

I've got an app that exports an AVMutableComposition into a .mov file, and I'd like for the user to see …

iphone cocoa-touch uiprogressview avassetexportsession
Swift 3: How to add watermark on video ? AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool iOS 10 issue

This code used to work on iOS9 to add a watermark and text to a video but since iOS10 it's …

ios swift video avassetexportsession avvideocomposition
AVAssetExportSession fails every time (error -12780)

I'm trying to merge some audio files (picked via MPMediaPickerController), but the export always fails with error code -12780. When …

ios avfoundation avassetexportsession