The AVFoundation framework provides both Objective-C and Swift interfaces for editing and playing audio-visual media in a Mac OSX or iOS application.
I'm playing around with AVSpeechSynthesizer and always getting these errors: ERROR: >aqsrv> 65: Exception caught in (null) - error …
ios objective-c avfoundation avaudiosessionSo I'm trying to play a sound file at a different rate in iOS 5.1.1, and am having absolutely no luck. …
ios avfoundation avaudioplayer avplayer audio-processingI'm working with AVFoundation for capturing and recording audio. There are some issues I don't quite understand. Basically I want …
ios avfoundation audio-recording cmsamplebufferref core-mediaI'm trying to merge some videos in a unique The exported file isn't playable and I don't now …
ios swift avfoundation avassetexportsessionHere is nice simple avplayer piece of code playing a small collection of videos in a queue. My question. I …
swift avfoundation avplayer avqueueplayer avkitI'd like to record the some audio using AVAudioEngine and the users Microphone. I already have a working sample, but …
ios avfoundation core-audio avaudioengineI am trying to apply filters to a video composition created with AVFoundation on iOS (filters could be, eg, blur, …
ios video avfoundation core-imageThis is Apple's code (from Technical Q&A QA1702) for getting a UIImage from a video buffer. Unfortunately, the …
iphone core-graphics quartz-2d avfoundationI am trying to play an MP3 via AVAudioPlayer which I thought to be fairly simple. Unfortunately, it's not quite …
objective-c ios avfoundation avaudioplayer automatic-ref-countingHow do I handle the switch from "tap to focus" at a specific POI back to "auto focus" state automatically …
ios camera avfoundation key-value-observing autofocus