Top "Avaudioengine" questions

Use this tag when your question is about the AVAudioEngine class, which is part of the AVFoundation framework.

Realtime Audio with AVAudioEngine

Hej. I want to implement a realtime audio application with the new AVAudioEngine in Swift. Has someone experience with the …

swift avfoundation real-time core-audio avaudioengine
Using sound effects with AudioEngine

Background - I saw a video titled "AVAudioEngine in Practice" from the following list of videos published at Apple's recent …

ios swift avaudioengine avaudioplayernode
Level Metering with AVAudioEngine

I just watched the WWDC Video (Session 502 AVAudioEngine in Practice) on AVAudioEngine and am very excited to make an app …

ios objective-c macos avfoundation avaudioengine
AVAudioEngine inputNode installTap crash when restarting recording

I am implementing Speech Recognition in my app. When I first present the view controller with the speech recognition logic, …

ios swift3 speech-recognition avaudioengine sfspeechrecognizer
(Swift) Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'AVAudioInputNode'

I am trying to create a speech to text function and I am getting the error: Initializer for conditional binding …

xcode conditional optional speech avaudioengine
How can I specify the format of AVAudioEngine Mic-Input?

I'd like to record the some audio using AVAudioEngine and the users Microphone. I already have a working sample, but …

ios avfoundation core-audio avaudioengine