Top "Sfspeechrecognizer" questions

Use this tag for iOS 10+ Speech framework's main class SFSpeechRecognizer.

Terminating app due to uncaught App crashes while using Speech kit ios

I got this error while implementing speech to text: Terminating app due to uncaught exception '', reason: …

ios swift sfspeechrecognizer
iOS 10.0 Speech Recognition Error kAFAssistantErrorDomain

I try using speech recognition as below let urlpath = Bundle.main().pathForResource("myvoice2", ofType: "m4a") let url:URL = URL.…

ios swift speech-recognition sfspeechrecognizer
SFSpeechRecognizer - detect end of utterance

I am hacking a little project using iOS 10 built-in speech recognition. I have working results using device's microphone, my speech …

ios sfspeechrecognizer
Speech Recognition got an error on iOS

I'm studying the Speech Recognition on the iOS, but Every time I call the method [_recognitionRequest endAudio] , it always got …

ios objective-c speech-recognition siri sfspeechrecognizer
AVAudioEngine inputNode installTap crash when restarting recording

I am implementing Speech Recognition in my app. When I first present the view controller with the speech recognition logic, …

ios swift3 speech-recognition avaudioengine sfspeechrecognizer
AVSpeechSynthesizer does not speak after using SFSpeechRecognizer

So I built a simple app that does speech recognition using SFSpeechRecognizer and displays the converted speech to text in …

ios iphone avspeechsynthesizer sfspeechrecognizer