Top "Avspeechsynthesizer" questions

AVSpeechSynthesizer is an audio API included in the iOS 7.0+ SDK.

How to get difference language code for iOS 7 AVSpeechUtterance text to speech?

I want to use iOS 7 new speech synthezis API, and my application is localized in french & english,german,japanese,…

ios avspeechsynthesizer
AVSpeechSynthesizer change voice

Is it possible to use another person's voice within the same accent? For example, when I do AVSpeechSynthesisVoice(language: "en-US"), …

ios avspeechsynthesizer
AVSpeechSynthesizer doesn't work on iOS10

My AVSpeechSynthesizer code is not working on device (iOS 10), but it worked on iOS 9.x and it is working now …

ios swift avspeechsynthesizer
AVSpeechSynthesizer does not speak after using SFSpeechRecognizer

So I built a simple app that does speech recognition using SFSpeechRecognizer and displays the converted speech to text in …

ios iphone avspeechsynthesizer sfspeechrecognizer