The AVFoundation framework provides both Objective-C and Swift interfaces for editing and playing audio-visual media in a Mac OSX or iOS application.
I am capturing the video using UIImagePickerController, i can crop the video using the following code, AVAsset *asset = [AVAsset assetWithURL:…
ios objective-c video avfoundation avassetexportsessionI'm playing songs in AVPlayer. I have created a separate view controller for my media player and initialization, and all …
ios avfoundation avplayer uisliderI'm trying to save both a recorded video's file path, and a thumbnail from the video to the documents directory. …
ios swift avfoundation persistence file-managerI have an AVCaptureSession running with an AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer. I can see the video so I know it's working. However, I'd …
ios avfoundationI read about one million threads about how to make a VideoPreviewLayer filling the complete screen of an iPhone but …
ios objective-c avfoundation avcapturesession avcaptureI'm developing a video compression functionally; my ideas are below: Getting resolution and bit-rate of video. Check resolution of video. …
ios objective-c cocoa-touch avfoundation avassetwriterI'm making a player and I want to list all files and in front of all files I want to …
swift avfoundation avassetI start saying that I spent a lot of time searching through documentation, posts here and somewhere else, but I …
swift avfoundation avassetexportsessionI want to know when my AVAudioRecorder is inaccessible (e.g when music starts playing). As audioRecorderEndInterruption will be deprecated …
ios avfoundation interrupt avaudiorecorder avaudiosessionI am trying to record video in my iPhone app using AVFoundation. But whenever I click the Record button app …
ios objective-c video avfoundation avcapturesession