I'm developing a video compression functionally; my ideas are below:
I have a few questions:
I tried below code to compress video but I don't know it compressed to which resolution:
- (void)convertVideoToLowQuailtyWithInputURL:(NSURL*)inputURL
handler:(void (^)(AVAssetExportSession*))handler
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtURL:outputURL error:nil];
AVURLAsset *urlAsset = [AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL:inputURL options:nil];
AVAssetExportSession *session = [[AVAssetExportSession alloc] initWithAsset: urlAsset presetName:AVAssetExportPresetLowQuality];
session.outputURL = outputURL;
session.outputFileType = AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie;
[session exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler:^(void)
Please give me some advice. Thanks in advance.
To get the resolution of the video use this :-
AVAssetTrack *videoTrack = nil;
AVURLAsset *asset = [AVAsset assetWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:originalVideo]];
NSArray *videoTracks = [asset tracksWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
CMFormatDescriptionRef formatDescription = NULL;
NSArray *formatDescriptions = [videoTrack formatDescriptions];
if ([formatDescriptions count] > 0)
formatDescription = (CMFormatDescriptionRef)[formatDescriptions objectAtIndex:0];
if ([videoTracks count] > 0)
videoTrack = [videoTracks objectAtIndex:0];
CGSize trackDimensions = {
.width = 0.0,
.height = 0.0,
trackDimensions = [videoTrack naturalSize];
int width = trackDimensions.width;
int height = trackDimensions.height;
NSLog(@"Resolution = %d X %d",width ,height);
you can get the frameRate and bitrate as follows:-
float frameRate = [videoTrack nominalFrameRate];
float bps = [videoTrack estimatedDataRate];
NSLog(@"Frame rate == %f",frameRate);
NSLog(@"bps rate == %f",bps);