Top "Autosuggest" questions

Autosuggest is an UI feature provided by applications, where the program predicts and shows a list of possible options that the user wants to choose from without the user actually typing it in completely.

Solr Searchbox with Auto-complete / Suggestion?

To work with Solr, I need my searchbox to be suggesting whenever user type.. with a dropdown menu. How can …

search drop-down-menu autocomplete solr autosuggest
Fish-style Autosuggestion in Zsh?

Is there a way to do the type of auto-suggestion Fish does in Zsh?

zsh autosuggest
Elasticsearch completion suggest search with multiple-word inputs

Using the Elasticsearch completion suggester I have problems returning multi-word input suggestions matching a one-word query. Example structure: PUT /test_…

elasticsearch autosuggest search-suggestion completion
Simple Suggestion / Recommendation Algorithm

I am looking for a simple suggestion algorithm to implement in to my Web App. Much like Netflix, Amazon, etc... …

performance algorithm autosuggest
Free country/city suggestion list/database

I'm looking for something similar to facebook suggestion list with cities and countries. You can see what I'm exactly talking …

jquery geolocation autosuggest
How to get Solr Suggester to return spelling suggestions as well

I'm currently integrating Apache Solr searching into my platform and using the Suggester functionality for autocompletion. However, the Suggester module …

apache solr autosuggest
Algorithm for suggesting products

What's a good algorithm for suggesting things that someone might like based on their previous choices? (e.g. as popularised …

algorithm autosuggest
get solr autosuggest results for phrase

I want to use solr to create an autosuggestion dropdown for a search field but I am getting stuck when …

autocomplete solr autosuggest
How can I auto filter a HTML selectlist?

I have a HTML select list with quite a few (1000+) names. I have a javascript in place which will select …

javascript autosuggest autofilter
lite weight and SIMPLE jquery auto suggest/autocomplete?

all i need is a very simple auto complete that suggests words that have the letters the user is typing …

jquery autocomplete autosuggest