lite weight and SIMPLE jquery auto suggest/autocomplete?

android.nick picture android.nick · Oct 15, 2010 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

all i need is a very simple auto complete that suggests words that have the letters the user is typing in them, very simple, nothing fancy, either inline or from an external file, i only need about 20 or so results to be suggested total.

I saw this one:

but it's 8kb, which is pretty big for what I need it for, does anyone know of a smaller light weight autocomplete script? or does anyone know the jquery to provide a super simple autocomple?

and i'm not using Jquery UI, that's a crappy bloated add-on to Jquery, so I can't use their autocomplete, i'm sure it's 10000mb large anyways.


AsifQadri picture AsifQadri · Oct 15, 2010