Top "Autofilter" questions

AutoFilter is a feature in Excel to quickly create subsets of data using built-in or user-defined criteria.

ShowAllData method of Worksheet class failed

I notice my VBA script doesn't work when there's an autofilter already on. Any idea why this is? wbk.Activate …

excel vba autofilter
Using string array as criteria in VBA autofilter

I've searched other posts and found similar issues but nothing that could help me specifically. I'm trying to take an …

arrays excel vba autofilter
Autofilter with column formatted as date

I am using an AutoFilter with VBA in Excel that works for regular filters, but not a column formatted as …

excel vba date autofilter
Setting filter on headers of an Excel sheet via POI

I generate a sheet, pretty bog standard headers and columns of data. I want to turn on the "Filter" function …

excel apache-poi autofilter
Excel VBA to check autofilter for data

I need help checking for autofiltered rows not including the header. I want it to give a message box "No …

excel vba autofilter
VBA Excel autofiltermode = false not turning off autofilter

Have used activesheet.autofiltermode = false and dim Myworksheet as worksheet Myworksheet.autofiltermode = false Neither removed autofilter I've use Myworksheet.ShowAllData …

vba excel autofilter
Excel VBA AutoFilter Array

I'm working with AutoFilters in VBA with Microsoft Excel. I'm having an issue with how it handles arrays for filtering; …

excel vba autofilter
Get Last Row From Filtered Range

How do you find the last row of data when the data in your worksheet is filtered? I have been …

vba excel autofilter
What to do when autofilter in VBA returns no data?

I am trying to filter a range of values and based on my criteria, at times I might have no …

excel vba autofilter
Excel VBA: How to Unfilter Only One Autofilter Range at a Time? Code Provided

Thanks for coming to this thread. What I have: -A report with an autofilter on rows A:G What I …

excel vba autofilter