Top "Autorelease" questions

Use autorelease for questions related to deferring the release of a variable stored within an object until some time in the future to facilitate referencing it while avoid memory leaks

How to find the cause of a malloc "double free" error?

I'm programming an application in Objective-C and I'm getting this error: MyApp(2121,0xb0185000) malloc: *** error for object 0x1068310: …

iphone objective-c memory-management malloc autorelease
What is autoreleasepool?

Possible Duplicate: Why use Autorelease pool? All Objective-C starting page opens with a default @autoreleasepool{...} statement under the main function …

objective-c object release autorelease nsautoreleasepool
Object was probably modified after being freed

I am working on a project on iPhone. I am now initiating a new UIViewController from another UIViewController, and then …

ios memory-management autorelease
iOS autorelease pool blocks

I was reading the documentation from apple about memory management when I got to autorelease pool blocks and something got …

ios memory-management objective-c-blocks autorelease nsautoreleasepool
What is the difference between releasing and autoreleasing?

I still have some unclear understand about release and autorelease. What are the difference between both of them? I have …

objective-c memory-management autorelease
Is there a way to create an NSDecimal without using NSNumber and creating autoreleased objects?

I am carrying out a number of calculations using NSDecimal and am creating each NSDecimal struct using the following technique: [[…

ios objective-c autorelease
double free*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug in ARC

I am using ARC in my application with core data and threading etc, after doing all that hard work to …

iphone multithreading automatic-ref-counting autorelease double-free
Why is autorelease especially dangerous/expensive for iPhone applications?

I'm looking for a primary source (or a really good explanation) to back up the claim that the use of …

iphone objective-c performance autorelease
What's the difference between sending -release or -drain to an Autorelease Pool?

In many Books and on many Sites I see -drain. Well, for an Autorelease Pool that sounds cool. But does …

iphone cocoa cocoa-touch memory-management autorelease
Why does Xcode 4.2 use @autoreleasepool in main.m instead of NSAutoreleasePool?

I've noticed that there is a different way in Xcode 4.2 to start the main function: int main(int argc, char *…

ios xcode autorelease nsautoreleasepool