Top "Autorelease" questions

Use autorelease for questions related to deferring the release of a variable stored within an object until some time in the future to facilitate referencing it while avoid memory leaks

ARC equivalent of autorelease?

If I have this code, + (MyCustomClass*) myCustomClass { return [[[MyCustomClass alloc] init] autorelease]; } This code guarantees the returning object is autoreleased. …

objective-c clang automatic-ref-counting autorelease
Objective-C - weak property - getter autoreleases (Automatic Reference Counting)

I have a doubt regarding weak property in ARC (auto reference counting) My understanding (correct me if I am wrong): …

objective-c automatic-ref-counting getter autorelease weak-references
iOS Objec-C error for object pointer being freed was not allocated

I'm getting the following error in xcode. error for object 0x4e18d00: pointer being freed was not allocated ** set …

objective-c ios nsarray autorelease