Top "Nsautoreleasepool" questions

an OS X API class, used to support Cocoa’s reference-counted memory management system

How does the NSAutoreleasePool autorelease pool work?

As I understand it, anything created with an alloc, new, or copy needs to be manually released. For example: int …

objective-c memory-management nsautoreleasepool foundationkit
What is autoreleasepool?

Possible Duplicate: Why use Autorelease pool? All Objective-C starting page opens with a default @autoreleasepool{...} statement under the main function …

objective-c object release autorelease nsautoreleasepool
NSAutoreleasePool is unavailable

I am following "Programming in Objective-C" 3rd edition and I am having problems with the first example. I keep getting …

objective-c nsautoreleasepool
iOS autorelease pool blocks

I was reading the documentation from apple about memory management when I got to autorelease pool blocks and something got …

ios memory-management objective-c-blocks autorelease nsautoreleasepool
What is the equivalent of @autoreleasepool in Swift?

In Swift, I notice there is no @autoreleasepool{} construct, although Swift does use ARC. What is the proper way to …

automatic-ref-counting swift nsautoreleasepool
Why use Autorelease pool?

I know there is an autorelease pool created in the main method and all the objects that receive autorelease message …

objective-c memory-management nsautoreleasepool
Why does Xcode 4.2 use @autoreleasepool in main.m instead of NSAutoreleasePool?

I've noticed that there is a different way in Xcode 4.2 to start the main function: int main(int argc, char *…

ios xcode autorelease nsautoreleasepool
Using ARC, is it fatal not to have an autorelease pool for every thread?

I read this: If you ever create a secondary thread in your application, you need to provide it with its …

ios multithreading cocoa-touch nsautoreleasepool
-[CALayer retain]: message sent to deallocated instance

I'm developing an iphone app and when I turn on my NSZombieEnabled I have regularly a crash on error : *** -[…

iphone calayer nsautoreleasepool nszombie
Autorelease pools and when release is called under iOS

I wanted to get something clarified. Lets say I have the following code: - (void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewDidAppear:…

ios objective-c cocoa-touch nsautoreleasepool