Top "Assemblies" questions

Assemblies are collections of compiled .Net types and resources grouped into a logical and physical unit (in the form of a .dll file or .exe file).

Using different versions of the same assembly in the same folder

I have the following situation Project A - Uses Castle Windsor v2.2 - Uses Project B via WindsorContainer Project B …

assemblies reference multiple-versions
mscorlib.dll & System.dll

Why did MS originally make the decision to maintain these two separate core libs? Maybe they had some scalability issue …

.net assemblies
Can't find Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll assembly file?

I'm trying to dynamically get a databases Table structure using only C# code as follows: using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common; …

visual-studio-2010 assemblies smo add-references-dialog
Visual Studio 2010: Reference Assemblies Targeting Higher Framework Version

Visual Studio 2008 did let you reference an assembly A from an Assembly B when A was targeting .NET 3.5 and B …

visual-studio-2010 reference assemblies
How to read assembly attributes

In my program, how can I read the properties set in AssemblyInfo.cs: [assembly: AssemblyTitle("My Product")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("...")] [assembly: …

.net reflection assemblies attributes
Problem getting the AssemblyVersion into a web page using Razor /MVC3

I'm using the following code in a footer in my _Layout.cshtml file to put the AssemblyInfo version data into …

c# reflection assemblies razor
Namespace or Assembly?

I am getting very confused between Namespaces and Assemblies. Are System.Data and System.Web Namespaces or Assemblies? I have …

c# .net namespaces assemblies
Determine framework (CLR) version of assembly

From the command line (or by any means really), how can I determine which CLR version a .NET assembly requires? …

.net assemblies version
Reading Assembly version information of WPF application

I am reading version information of my wpf application, but I am not getting the correct version as I have …

c# wpf assemblies version
How to prevent a .NET application from loading/referencing an assembly from the GAC?

Can I configure a .NET application in a way (settings in Visual Studio) that it references a "local" assembly (not …

c# .net assemblies gac