Top "Assemblies" questions

Assemblies are collections of compiled .Net types and resources grouped into a logical and physical unit (in the form of a .dll file or .exe file).

A procedure imported by {myassembly} could not be loaded

when running a prorgam, it seems that I am missing a library, when I launch the output of my project …

c# debugging assemblies
Can a C# .dll assembly contain an entry point?

My goal is to create an executable that will start a shadow copied application. The trick is, I want this …

c# assemblies appdomain .net-assembly entry-point
C#: How to load assembly from GAC?

I have "mycomp.myassembly.dll" in GAC but Load and LoadFrom throws file not found exception and LoadWithPartialName returns null. …

c# .net assemblies gac
How to update the Value in Assemblyinfo.cs dynamically

I have writen a program which gets the value from SVN repository . Now I want to update the AssemblyFileversion with …

c# wpf .net-4.0 assemblies assemblyinfo
C# Namespaces and Assemblies Best Practice

C#: are there any guidelines, best practices when it comes to dividing a solution up into namespaces and assemblies? Should …

c# namespaces assemblies
Where are assemblies in .NET physically located?

I am a little confused about where .NET assemblies are physically located. Take good old LINQ. In my web.config …

.net assemblies file-structure
How to check if an assembly was built using Debug or Release configuration?

I'm starting deployment of my web application and I need to guarantee that all the assemblies that are going to …

c# assemblies build-process release-mode debug-mode
Should I have a separate assembly for interfaces?

We currently have quite a few classes in a project, and each of those classes implement an interface, mostly for …

.net namespaces assemblies
Unable to uninstall an Assembly from GAC?

I am unable to uninstall an Assembly (log4net.dll) from GAC. It is giving following error. "Assembly is required …

.net assemblies gac gacutil
GetEntryAssembly for web applications

Assembly.GetEntryAssembly() does not work for web applications. But... I really need something like that. I work with some deeply-nested …

c# reflection assemblies code-generation stack-frame