Top "Gacutil" questions

The Global Assembly Cache tool allows you to view and manipulate the contents of the global assembly cache and download cache.

where is gacutil.exe?

I am using Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit. I have used Windows command line, and also used VSTS 2008 command line, but when …

.net gacutil
Where is GACUTIL for .net Framework 4.0 in windows 7?

i've made an assembly in the .net framework that I intend to publish to the GAC but I can't find …

.net-4.0 gacutil
Can I download and install gacutil.exe without having to install VS or the SDK?

I want an administrator to register some DLLs for me, but he would probably prefer not to install the whole …

.net download installation gac gacutil
Gacutil.exe successfully adds assembly, but assembly not viewable in explorer. Why?

I'm running GacUtil.exe from within Visual Studio Command Prompt 2010 to register a dll (CatalogPromotion.dll) to the GAC. After …

.net windows assemblies gac gacutil
GAC 32bit vs. 64bit

I've been searching for a while trying to understand this better, but am not finding any straight-forward answers on this. …

c# visual-studio-2010 64-bit gac gacutil
Where is gacutil.exe in Windows 10?

I've got Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and the full Windows 10 SDK package but I'm not able to find …

visual-studio-2015 sdk 64-bit windows-10 gacutil
Assembly installed into the GAC not showing up in Visual Studio

This sounds related to this question, but they aren't the same thing. That question had no assemblies showing up. Mine …

visual-studio-2010 gac gacutil
Two locations of gacutil.exe

I'm developing on Windows 2008 R2 Server, 64 bit. I'm learning how to use gacutil.exe I found two copies of this …

Using Powershell to Register a file in the Gac

Is there a simple way to in PowerShell (I imagine using gacutil.exe) to read from a text document a …

powershell gac gacutil
Using gacutil to install a .dll

I am trying to install a .dll refrence to use it in my code, but i am having issues using …

c# dll gacutil