Top "Assemblies" questions

Assemblies are collections of compiled .Net types and resources grouped into a logical and physical unit (in the form of a .dll file or .exe file).

How to reference .NET assemblies using PowerShell

I am a C# .NET developer/architect and understand that it uses objects (.NET objects) and not just streams/text. …

powershell assemblies
Is there a way to force all referenced assemblies to be loaded into the app domain?

My projects are set up like this: Project "Definition" Project "Implementation" Project "Consumer" Project "Consumer" references both "Definition" and "Implementation", …

c# assemblies appdomain
How to get Namespace of an Assembly?

Consider i have an assembly(class library dll) which i have loaded using the following code, Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom(@"…

c# .net assemblies namespaces
Using the Web Application version number from an assembly (ASP.NET/C#)

How do I obtain the version number of the calling web application in a referenced assembly? I've tried using System.…

c# .net reflection assemblies
Error: Reference to type claims it is defined, but it could not be found

I have a solution with 3 projects: ParsersBase, that define an interface IParseRule ParsersLibrary, that have a reference to ParsersBase and …

c# visual-studio assemblies
Dynamically replace the contents of a C# method?

What I want to do is change how a C# method executes when it is called, so that I can …

c# methods assemblies cil
How can I list all registered assemblies in GAC?

How can I list all the assemblies that are in the GAC? Do I need a tool that makes it …

.net assemblies gac
C# compiling for 32/64 bit, or for any cpu?

Possible Duplicate: Visual Studio “Any CPU” target I've noticed that when compiling C# code in VS, there's typically options for …

.net assemblies 64-bit 32bit-64bit anycpu
Load WPF styles or other Static Resources from an external file or assembly

I have a few WPF applications and I want all my styles to be in a shared assembly instead of …

wpf xaml assemblies styles resourcedictionary
How can I view MSIL / CIL generated by C# compiler? Why is it called assembly?

I'm new to .NET C# programming. I'm following few books. It is said that instead of compiling it directly to …

c# .net assemblies