Top "Smo" questions

SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) are .NET objects for management of Microsoft SQL Server.

Programmatically retrieve SQL Server stored procedure source that is identical to the source returned by the SQL Server Management Studio gui?

Any pointers on how I can programmatically get exactly the identical stored procedure source from SQL Server 2005, as when I …

sql-server stored-procedures smo
Reference Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll

I need to use Server class which is stored in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll I don't see this assembly in …

.net sql-server smo
Can't find Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll assembly file?

I'm trying to dynamically get a databases Table structure using only C# code as follows: using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common; …

visual-studio-2010 assemblies smo add-references-dialog
SQL Server SMO complains of missing DLL

Ok, I've scoured the web, BOL, various forums and I'm no closer to an answer...hopefully you fine folks can …

sql-server dll smo
Is it possible to create a Database in SQL Server with powershell?

I am trying to create a empty database in SQL server using powershell and SMO but cannot seem to find …

sql-server-2008 powershell powershell-2.0 smo
How to restore a database from C#

I have a SQL 2008 DB. I am running a form that backs that DB up, then tries to update it. …

c# .net sql-server backup smo
Using SMO to copy a database and data

I am trying to make a copy of a database to a new database on the same server. The server …

c# .net sql-server-2008 smo
Could not load file or assembly microsoft.sqlserver.sqlclrprovider

I run my Winforms app using SQLServer assemblies Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo ( Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO( On the same machine SSMS 2016(Aug) …

.net sql-server .net-assembly smo
How to use Powershell Where-Object like an IN statement

I have the following code which works: foreach ($db in $svr.Databases | where-object { $ -eq "testDB" -or $ -eq "master" …

sql-server powershell smo
How to append to powershell Hashtable value?

I am interating through a list of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server objects and adding them to a hashtable like …

sql-server powershell hashtable smo