Top "Smo" questions

SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) are .NET objects for management of Microsoft SQL Server.

Get Sql server's data using smo

I'm using Sql Server Smo to create the scheme of database by C# application. However, I need a bit more, …

c# .net sql-server smo
Restore database from .bak file with new name

I am sing C#, .NET 3.5, and SMO to create a copy of a database (our production database) to some other …

c# .net sql-server-2005 .net-3.5 smo
SMO ConnectionContext.StatementTimeout setting is ignored

I am successfully using Powershell with SMO to backup most databases. However, I have several large databases in which I …

sql-server backup powershell-2.0 smo command-timeout
What's the fastest method to check SQL server availability?

What's the best method to check if SQL server exists or not? I'm trying Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server.PingSqlServerVersion() …

c# sql-server smo
How to drop and recreate and primary key index using SMO with SQL Server?

I am using SQL Server 2005 Express. I want to use SMO to loop through each table in a database and …

c# .net sql-server-2005 smo
How to set SMO ScriptingOptions to guarantee exact copy of table?

What I'm trying to do: Create an SQL script using C# to create an exact copy of an existing table. …

c# sql smo
Execute SQL script from C# and logging errors

I am trying to execute a script (.sql file) on a database from a C# Windows application. The SQL file …

c# sql sql-server smo
SQL Server: Why do use SMO?

I have been working with SQL Server for a couple of years. I have heard about SMO but I don't …

sql sql-server sql-server-2005 sql-server-2008 smo
How to get the table a foreign key refers to

I have an small question I didn't found an answer yet: how do I get in c# and using Microsoft.…

c# sql-server smo