Top "Apple-push-notifications" questions

The Apple Push Notification Service is a service created by Apple Inc.

How to send APNs push messages using APNs Auth Key and standard CLI tools?

Apple recently added a new authentication method to APNS ( Apple Push Notification Authentication Key (Sandbox & Production)). The downloaded key …

Adding certificates to keychain and generating .p12 file format

I am following the step given in to while working step …

ios objective-c apple-push-notifications apns-sharp
How do I send a HTTP/2 POST request in PHP

I found a similar question at Sending HTTP/2 POST request in Ruby But I want to update my server with …

php curl push-notification apple-push-notifications http2
iPhone registerForRemoteNotificationTypes does not generate an error but does not fire delegate that gives device token

I am developing an iPhone app that needs push notification. I followed the instructions for creating the certifications and modifying …

ios iphone apple-push-notifications appdelegate devicetoken
Removing a notification from notification center on click

Is it possible to remove the push notification from the notification center when one is clicked and the app launches? …

ios notifications apple-push-notifications notificationcenter
iPhone: Push Notification Testing on Production Certificate

I have a quick question. I have been testing Development Push Notification Certificate for my iPhone App and its been …

ios apple-push-notifications production-environment
global leak errors in mocha

I was trying to unit test the apple push notification library when I got a global leak error trying to …

node.js unit-testing push-notification apple-push-notifications mocha
Customizing the iOS permission dialog for push notifications

When an iOS app attempts to register for push notifications for the first time, the system pops up a permissions …

ios push-notification apple-push-notifications ios-permissions
iOS10 UNNotificationServiceExtension not called

Im implementing new iOS10 extension to use rich notifications. Im trying to test it on push notifications but is not …

ios apple-push-notifications ios10 ios-app-extension unnotificationserviceextension