The Apple Push Notification Service is a service created by Apple Inc.
I am working with Pushy Notification where I need to register with the p8 file. So how can I create …
ios apple-push-notifications apns-phpI created an App to send remote notifications from a web server. When I tested the App in Development Mode …
ios xcode apple-push-notifications pushI have an App in which i am facing the issue that the badge number only gets updated when i …
ios push-notification apple-push-notifications badgeMy problem is I want to show a loading screen for the initial Push Notification Prompt "The app wants to …
ios objective-c push-notification apple-push-notificationsI have successfully implemented APN for development Environment. But i am facing problems while implementing the same for ad-hoc distribution …
push-notification apple-push-notifications distributionI'm trying to create a certificate for Production iOS Push Services. Instead I get an Apple Push Services. How can …
ios certificate apple-push-notificationsAs per the Apple guide: "As a result of the presented notification, the user taps the action button of the …
ios objective-c swift apple-push-notifications pushEDIT - Using the enhanced binary format Turns out I wasn't using the enhanced binary format so I changed my …
php push-notification apple-push-notifications apns-phpMy app just got ready for sale on App Store, but none of my production devices (devices that have installed …
ssl apple-push-notifications production-environment pushsharpI need to push notifications to tens of thousands of iOS devices that my app installed. I'm trying to do …
c# .net push-notification apple-push-notifications pushsharp