Top "Devicetoken" questions

A 32-byte binary identifier (often represented as a 64 character HEX String) used to identify an iOS device for the purpose of sending it Apple Push Notifications.

Is the APN Device Token unique to each individual app?

I have two apps on the iTunes store - both implement push notifications. While I was testing sending notifications to …

iphone apple-push-notifications devicetoken
Getting Remote Notification Device Token in Swift 4?

I am using this code to get the Notification Center Device token. It was working in Swift 3 but not working …

ios swift apple-push-notifications devicetoken
Get devices token?

I'm trying to get the token of my device. Thought this: ParseInstallation parseInstallation = new ParseInstallation(); String deviceToken = (String) parseInstallation.get("…

android get devicetoken
how to get Device Token in iOS?

I am working on push notifications. I wrote the following code for fetching a device token. -(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)…

ios objective-c swift devicetoken
ios 7 device token is different for same device

I have two applications in one device. For iOS 7 both applications are sending different device tokens but for iOS 6 both …

ios ios7 apple-push-notifications devicetoken
Is the device token as unique as the device ID?

If we reset an iPhone, the device ID remains the same. Is it the same for the device token?

iphone ios devicetoken
iPhone registerForRemoteNotificationTypes does not generate an error but does not fire delegate that gives device token

I am developing an iPhone app that needs push notification. I followed the instructions for creating the certifications and modifying …

ios iphone apple-push-notifications appdelegate devicetoken
Android Parse Push notification device registration only one time on one device

Every one I am using the parse service for push notification in my app. but it register all time when …

android push-notification parse-platform google-cloud-messaging devicetoken
iOS APNS: sending the device token to the provider in string format

I need to send the APNS device token of my iOS app to my provider by calling a service that …

ios apple-push-notifications string-formatting devicetoken
How to identify if device token is for android or iOS?

I store Android and iOS device tokens in DB. Following are few examples of device tokens getting saved in the …

android ios iphone devicetoken