I am following the step given in https://github.com/Redth/PushSharp/wiki/How-to-Configure-&-Send-Apple-Push-Notifications-using-PushSharp to while working step by step for Apple Push Notifications.
I got stuck in the middle. I added Apple Push Notification development Certificates. But the certificates appears under SYSTEM/Certificates instead of LOGIN/Certificates section. May be due to this or may be not, I did't get save as .p12 file format option when i try to save file as p12 format as explained in step 19. I also tried generating certificates without checking LET MY SPECIFY KEY PAIR CHAIN INFORMATION as explained in step 10.
Can anybody suggest me how to make aps-development.cer under login/certificates in key chain and then proceed the given step to obtain .p12 file?
Thanks in advance for your help and support.
Please try following Three steps
Step 1:Open your Keychain Access app.
Step 2:You will see list in left side as 'Login' ,'System' and 'System Roots', just drag your certificate in 'Login' option.
Step 3: You will get certificate install successfully in Keychain Access.
After this process you can create the .p12 certificate.