Top "Apache-spark-encoders" questions

How to store custom objects in Dataset?

According to Introducing Spark Datasets: As we look forward to Spark 2.0, we plan some exciting improvements to Datasets, specifically: ... Custom …

scala apache-spark apache-spark-dataset apache-spark-encoders
Why is "Unable to find encoder for type stored in a Dataset" when creating a dataset of custom case class?

Spark 2.0 (final) with Scala 2.11.8. The following super simple code yields the compilation error Error:(17, 45) Unable to find encoder for type …

scala apache-spark apache-spark-dataset apache-spark-encoders
How to convert a dataframe to dataset in Apache Spark in Scala?

I need to convert my dataframe to a dataset and I used the following code: val final_df = Dataframe.withColumn( "…

scala apache-spark apache-spark-sql apache-spark-encoders
Encoder error while trying to map dataframe row to updated row

When I m trying to do the same thing in my code as mentioned below => { val …

scala apache-spark apache-spark-sql apache-spark-dataset apache-spark-encoders
Convert scala list to DataFrame or DataSet

I am new to Scala. I am trying to convert a scala list (which is holding the results of some …

scala apache-spark apache-spark-sql apache-spark-dataset apache-spark-encoders
Why is the error "Unable to find encoder for type stored in a Dataset" when encoding JSON using case classes?

I've written spark job: object SimpleApp { def main(args: Array[String]) { val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Simple Application").setMaster("local") …

scala apache-spark apache-spark-dataset apache-spark-encoders
How to create a custom Encoder in Spark 2.X Datasets?

Spark Datasets move away from Row's to Encoder's for Pojo's/primitives. The Catalyst engine uses an ExpressionEncoder to convert columns …

scala apache-spark apache-spark-dataset apache-spark-encoders
Encoder for Row Type Spark Datasets

I would like to write an encoder for a Row type in DataSet, for a map operation that I am …

java apache-spark apache-spark-sql apache-spark-dataset apache-spark-encoders
Spark Error: Unable to find encoder for type stored in a Dataset

I am using Spark on a Zeppelin notebook, and groupByKey() does not seem to be working. This code: df.groupByKey(…

scala apache-spark apache-spark-dataset apache-spark-encoders
Apache Spark 2.1 : java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: No Encoder found for scala.collection.immutable.Set[String]

I am using Spark 2.1.1 with Scala 2.11.6. I am getting the following error. I am not using any case classes. java.…

scala apache-spark apache-spark-encoders