Top "Angularjs-filter" questions

Selects a subset of items from array and returns it as a new array.

Angular JS filter equals

Please see the details. Why is the output wrong? HTML: <div ng-app> <div ng-controller="TodoCtrl"> <…

angularjs angularjs-filter
How can I use AngularJS filter in ngClass?

I'm curretly learning AngularJS and playing with the tutorial. I'm modifying the tutorial example filter to return some string: angular.…

angularjs filter angularjs-filter
Access to custom filter from an Angular directive with isolate scope

I've defined a custom filter and a directive with an isolate scope and I can't figure out why the directive …

angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope angularjs-filter
AngularJS ng-repeat filtering with an OR-statement

So I have a dataset of companies stored in a variable in a controller. $scope.companies = [ { name: "first company", type: ["…

angularjs angularjs-ng-repeat angularjs-filter
AngularJS limitTo filter for ngRepeat on an object (used like a dictionary)

Is it possible to use limitTo filter on a ngRepeat directive which is repeating the properties of an Object and …

javascript angularjs angularjs-ng-repeat angularjs-filter
Filtering ng-repeat list using checkboxes and AngularJS

I've read a lot of other posts on this and they all tend to describe uniquely complicated solutions. I just …

arrays angularjs checkbox filter angularjs-filter
clearing filter in angularJS using select

I use the ngOptions directive in the HTML given below: <select ng-model="selectedGroupToShow.Id" ng-options="g.Id as g.…

angularjs angularjs-filter
AngularJS: Should I use a filter to convert integer values into percentages?

I need to collect a rate of change - in percentages - from my application's users. Here is the text …

javascript angularjs angularjs-filter
filter: notarray error in angularjs filter is not working. Other part of code also …

AngularJS filter returning html as string

I've created an AngularJS filter to automatically create clickable links from addresses found in data. The filter: app.filter('parseUrl', …

javascript angularjs angularjs-filter