clearing filter in angularJS using select

trainoasis picture trainoasis · Feb 17, 2014 · Viewed 10.8k times · Source

I use the ngOptions directive in the HTML given below:

<select ng-model="selectedGroupToShow.Id" ng-options="g.Id as g.Name for g in myGroups">
    <option value>-- All --</option>

The filter I am using in ng-repeat to show my data goes like this:


Even if I use


the issue stays the same.Resetting the filter..

This works perfectly, but when I want to clear the filter (select default option - 'All') it will only show data that doesn't have GroupId parameter set at all.

How can I show ALL the data (clear the filter) when choosing default option element within select?


Sai picture Sai · Feb 17, 2014

I think I understand your problem and the issue you are facing is when dropdown selected to --ALL-- its value is null and not undefined. So to reset it you have to set it for undefined.

<div ng-repeat="item in items| filter:{itemId:selectedGroupToShow.Id||undefined}">

Please refer the below fiddle I have created for your problem.
