Is it possible to use limitTo
filter on a ngRepeat
directive which is repeating the properties of an Object and not items in an Array.
I am aware that the official documentation says that the input to limitTo
needs to be an array or a string. But wondering if there's a way to get this to work.
Here's a sample code:
<li ng-repeat="(key, item) in phones_dict |orderBy:'-age'| limitTo:limit_items"></li>
And $scope.phones_dict
is an Object like
item_1: {name:"John", age: 24},
item_2: {name:"Jack", age: 23}
limitTo works only for strings and arrays, for object use own filter for example:
myApp.filter('myLimitTo', [function(){
return function(obj, limit){
var keys = Object.keys(obj);
if(keys.length < 1){
return [];
var ret = new Object,
count = 0;
angular.forEach(keys, function(key, arrayIndex){
if(count >= limit){
return false;
ret[key] = obj[key];
return ret;
Example on fiddle: