Use for questions about Angular 2+ directives
I'm building a data table component that is being designed as very generic component. The idea is to define the …
angular typescript angular2-directives angular2-componentsI'm new to Angular 2 and was hoping to get some help from the community. I'm currently trying to implement a …
json angular angular2-directives ng-classI am trying to build my own Modal component, that I would be able to reuse throughout my Angular2 Apps. …
angular angular2-directives angular2-servicesI'm trying to create a directive that works as a ngIf to control if the user with the correct permission …
angular typescript angular2-directivesI have created img-pop component which has @Input() bind property src. I have created authSrc directive which has @HostBinding() property …
angular angular2-directives angular-components angular2-hostbindingThe flickering is killing me and after reading all the jQuery related threads and mdn I still cannot figure it …
angular typescript mouseevent angular2-directives angular2-hostbindingHere are some pieces of code. This same pattern (afaik) works for the hero tutorial. login.component.html: <div …
angular angular2-directives angular-directiveI have three nested components, called level0, level1 and level2, defined like so: @Component({ selector: 'level2', template: `<div&…
angular typescript angular2-directives viewchild