Top "Angular2-directives" questions

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Angular 2 and AmCharts

Does anybody have any idea on how to implement Amcharts into Angular2 (BETA)? I was trying to follow the path/…

javascript angular amcharts angular2-directives amstock
Angular 2 Block-scoped Variable Issues

I am currently running an Angular 2 demo using TypeScript. There are two files: the index.html file that is being …

angular typescript angular2-directives angular2-decorators
Import Directive into Component in Angular

Is it possible to import Directive into Component? I want to avoid importing into ngModule.declarations. I am following CustomDirective …

angular angular2-directives kendo-ui-angular2
Injecting ngControl in custom validator directive, causes cyclic dependency

i'm trying to create custom angular 2 validator directive, which inject NgControl like this : @Directive({ selector: '[ngModel][customValidator]', providers: [{…

angular angular2-directives
How to listen to children elements events in a directive?

Since there is no template, what's the best way to listen to child elements event in a directive? Is it …

angular angular2-directives
ng2-charts customize data and whole html content of tooltip displayed when hovering on bar chart

I am using ng2 charts from valor software with my angular 2 app. I am not able to figure out how …

angular chart.js angular2-directives ng2-charts
Dynamically add classes to host elements using @HostBinding in Angular?

Question: Is it possible to use @HostBinding in such a way to add, remove, or toggle classes on a host …

angular angular2-directives angular2-hostbinding
Property 'clientX' does not exist on type 'Event'. Angular2 Directive

I'm trying to listen to the X position of my mouse in an Angular2 Directive like this: @HostListener('mousemove', ['$…

angular events typescript event-listener angular2-directives
Angular 2: How can I apply directives to sanitized html/innerhtml

I am working on an application where i am getting responses in html format from a server. I am using …

angular innerhtml angular2-directives angular-dom-sanitizer
Angular2: Cloning component / HTML element and it's functionality

So, the question is fairly simple... I have a table and some angular logic on it (calculating styles, etc)... specifically …

javascript angular angular2-directives