Top "Angular2-directives" questions

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Angular2: replace host element with component's template

I'm new to angular in general and to angular2 specifically. I'm trying to write a container component, which should have …

angular angular2-template angular2-directives
Difference between [ngClass] vs [class] binding

What is the difference in Angular 2 between the following snippets: <div [class.extra-sparkle]="isDelightful"> <div [ngClass]="{'extra-sparkle': …

angular single-page-application angular2-directives angular-ng-class
Angular2 ngFor skip first index

How can I skip the first index from the array? <li *ngFor="#user of users"> {{ }} is {{ …

angular angular2-directives
Generic type 'Array<T>' requires 1 type argument(s). - Angular2

I have been trying to implement a simple ngFor with Angular2 but I don't know what went wrong which lead …

angular angular2-template angular2-directives angular2-components
Double Tap/ double click Angular2 & ionic

I am searching on many forums and questions, but nobody seems to ask how to double click ou double tap …

angular ionic2 directive angular2-directives double-click
How to add/remove class from directive

Using a custom directive how would you add/remove a class on the host element based on a specific conditions? …

angular angular2-directives angular-directive
How to load image with spinner in angular2

my app got many images with descriptions. When user navigates these text is coming first and image is loading with …

angular angular2-directives
Angular 2 Read More Directive

I need to build a readmore directive in Angular2. What this directive will do is for collapse and expand long …

angular angular2-template angular2-directives
Detect change in a variable?

Is it possible to detect change in a variable? I have the following: @Input('name') name: string; I would like …

angular angular2-directives
One Component Multiple Templates based on Condition

So here's the deal. I have a component thats very well written and being used in a lot of places. …

angular angular2-template angular2-directives