Top "Angular2-components" questions

In Angular 2, Components are the main way we build and specify elements and logic on the page.

How to call another components function in angular2

I have two components as follows and I want to call a function from another component. Both components are included …

angular angular2-components
Angular - What is the meanings of in component?

In an Angular app, I have seen that @Component has property moduleId. What does it mean? And when …

angular systemjs angular2-components
Pass variable to custom component

I have my custom component: @Component({ selector: 'my-custom-component', templateUrl: './my-custom-component.html', styleUrls: ['./my-custom-component.css'] }) export class MyCustomComponent { constructor() { …

angular typescript angular2-template angular2-components
Angular 2: access an element from the Component, getDocumentById doesn't work

I have an Angular 2 component where I want to retrieve an element div <div id ="myId"> by its …

angular dom angular2-template angular2-components
Angular 2: Component Interaction, optional input parameters

I have an implementation where parent wants to pass certain data to child component via the use of @Input parameter …

angular angular2-components
Angular 2: Functions to be used across all components

I have an angular 2 webpack project where I currently have some functions that are repeated throughout several components. I would …

class inheritance angular typescript angular2-components
How to invoke method from one component to another component in Angular 2?

I have two different component - one component has click event method for the list users & I want to …

angular extends super angular2-components
How to call component method from service? (angular2)

I want to create service, which can interact with one component. All another components in my app, should be able …

angular typescript angular2-services angular2-components angular2-injection
Can component invoke a self destroy event

I have a parent component which opens a new component on click of a link, this new component is supposed …

angular angular2-components
Angular 2 - One component trigger refresh of another component on the page

I have a component ComponentA that displays a list of elements. This list is inited during ngOnInit. I have another …

angular typescript angular2-components