Top "Angular2-hostbinding" questions

Angular 2: Get position of HTML element

I'm trying to implement a custom directive in Angular 2 for moving an arbitrary HTML element around. So far everything is …

html angular angular2-hostbinding
onbeforeunload confirm dialog not showing when angular2 @HostListener is used

Using @HostListener hook, but confirm dialog (that asks: Do you want to Leave this page? ...or Do you want to …

angular angular2-hostbinding
Inject Style Declarations Using Hostbinding in Angular

Do you guys know how I can batch inject style declarations in a component using the @HostBinding decorator? What I …

angular angular5 angular2-hostbinding
Use @HostBindings instead host in angular 4

I just try to make animation with angular 4 and I saw tutorial that use host in the component import { Component, …

angular animation angular2-hostbinding
Dynamically add classes to host elements using @HostBinding in Angular?

Question: Is it possible to use @HostBinding in such a way to add, remove, or toggle classes on a host …

angular angular2-directives angular2-hostbinding
Apply attribute directive on component in Angular 4

I have created img-pop component which has @Input() bind property src. I have created authSrc directive which has @HostBinding() property …

angular angular2-directives angular-components angular2-hostbinding