Top "Anemic-domain-model" questions

A domain model is "anemic" if it has little or no behavior.

Rich vs Anemic Domain Model

I am deciding if I should use a Rich Domain Model over an Anemic Domain Model, and looking for good …

domain-model anemic-domain-model rich-domain-model
ASP.NET MVC Business Logic in Domain Model vs Service Layer

I have been reading about where to put business logic in ASP.NET MVC Project for a while and I … business-logic service-layer domain-model anemic-domain-model
Concrete examples on why the 'Anemic Domain Model' is considered an anti-pattern

I apologize if this is a duplicate, but I couldn't find any concrete examples on the topic in related questions. …

java architecture domain-driven-design anti-patterns anemic-domain-model
Domain Model and Service Layer patterns in P of EAA

In Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, Martin Fowler talks about two patterns for organizing Domain Logic: Domain Model and Service …

design-patterns service-layer architectural-patterns anemic-domain-model