Top "Architectural-patterns" questions

Is MVC a Design Pattern or Architectural pattern

According to Sun and Msdn it is a design pattern. According to Wikipedia it is an architectural pattern In comparison …

model-view-controller design-patterns architectural-patterns
MVCS - Model View Controller Service

I've been using MVC for a long time and heard about the "Service" layer (for example in Java web project) …

model-view-controller architecture architectural-patterns
What's the difference between Architectural Patterns and Architectural Styles?

In Software Architecture - Foundations, Theory and Practice, I can find definitions for both. The problem is that I don't …

architecture architectural-patterns
MediatR when and why I should use it? vs 2017 webapi

It might have been asked before but I cannot find even in the official site why I should use MediatR …

c# architectural-patterns
Pros and cons of the use of the DAO pattern

As I mention in the title, I'm interested to know what you (as experienced developers) think about the use of …

java sql web-applications dao architectural-patterns
Transactions in the Repository Pattern

How do I encapsulate the saving of more than one entity in a transactional manner using the repository pattern? For …

design-patterns domain-driven-design repository-pattern architectural-patterns
How to bind a collection of objects to a DataGridView in Winforms

If i have two objects, namely Fruit' andColor` and their definitions are as follows: public class Fruit { public int FruitId { …

c# winforms mvp architectural-patterns
Active Records vs. Repository - pros and cons?

Using ActiveRecord you might define a class like this: class Contact { private String _name; public String Name { get { return _name; } …

design-patterns activerecord architectural-patterns
Confusing term Interactors in Clean Architecture

As per clean architecture, design Interactor is part which contains all business logic. The term Interactor is quite confusing to …

android design-patterns architectural-patterns
'Model' and 'ViewModel' in Knockout.js

In MVC, 'Model' is just code representation of data (e.g. in ASP.NET MVC it's a class with according …

javascript model-view-controller mvvm knockout.js architectural-patterns