Top "Service-layer" questions

A Service Layer represents one application boundary and consists of a set of available operations from the perspective of interfacing client layers.

Difference between Repository and Service Layer?

In OOP Design Patterns, what is the difference between the Repository Pattern and a Service Layer? I am working on … oop repository-pattern service-layer
Why use service layer?

I looked at the example on I'm trying to figure out why the …

spring service-layer
Fat model / thin controller vs. Service layer

I have been developing enterprise applications for many years using .Net My apps usually have a domain model containing entities … model-view-controller architecture service-layer
Service Layer vs Business Layer in architecting web applications?

I know this might sound silly but I am finding it hard to understand the need of a service layer … architecture business-logic-layer service-layer
Should a service layer return view models for an MVC application?

Say you have an ASP.NET MVC project and are using a service layer, such as in this contact manager … service-layer
ASP.NET MVC Business Logic in Domain Model vs Service Layer

I have been reading about where to put business logic in ASP.NET MVC Project for a while and I … business-logic service-layer domain-model anemic-domain-model
Are Doctrine2 repositories a good place to save my entities?

When I read docs about repositories, it is often to work with entities & collection but in a "read-only" manner. …

design-patterns symfony doctrine-orm soa service-layer
what's the difference between service layer and domain model layer

for example, I have a user table, to be layer-ing, I create such POJOs: (…

java business-objects service-layer domain-model
Should the repository layer return data-transfer-objects (DTO)?

I have a repository layer that is responsible for my data-access, which is called by a service layer. The service …

c# data-access-layer n-tier-architecture dto service-layer
Conventions for naming service classes

I'm developing a simple Java application for doing CRUD operations against a database through a RESTful API. It's divided into …

java naming-conventions service-layer