Top "Service-layer" questions

A Service Layer represents one application boundary and consists of a set of available operations from the perspective of interfacing client layers.

Service layer vs business layer - differences?

I have been doing a lot of reading on service layers and business layers and how they compare. I have … model-view-controller architecture service-layer business-logic-layer
How to inject in @FacesValidator with @EJB, @PersistenceContext, @Inject, @Autowired

How can I inject a dependency like @EJB, @PersistenceContext, @Inject, @AutoWired, etc in a @FacesValidator? In my specific case I …

spring validation jsf-2 dependency-injection service-layer
Separating the service layer from the validation layer

I currently have a service layer based on the article Validating with a service layer from the ASP.NET site. …

c# service-layer
JSF Service Layer

I am not sure whether my approach with the MVC environment in JSF is the best way to go. Since …

java model-view-controller jsf service-layer
Where to put business logic in DDD

I'm trying to figure out the best way to build an easily maintainable and testable architecture. Having gone through several …

domain-driven-design business-logic service-layer
Understanding and Using "Service Layers" - .NET MVC 5

I am currently in an internship and from what I have been learning the controller in MVC should solely be … model-view-controller service-layer
ASP.NET MVC with service layer and repository layer, where should the interfaces be defined?

I am in the process of determining a fairly simple layered architecture for a .NET MVC application that has a … repository-pattern service-layer
The effects of adding a Service Layer to a Laravel application

I have been developing with Zend Framework for a number of years and am now learning Laravel. In my previous …

laravel service-layer
When is it necessary or convenient to use Spring or EJB3 or all of them together?

I'm a little confused by the mixed use of JSF2+Spring+EJB3 or any combination of those. I know one …

spring jsf jakarta-ee ejb service-layer
.NET MVC Best practices as far as keeping the controller from being very unreadable

I have been developing my first large (for me) MVC project for a couple of months now and things are …

c# controller service-layer