A programming anti-pattern is a commonly used solution to a specific programming problem, often claiming being an actual design pattern.
A common antipattern in Python is to concatenate a sequence of strings using + in a loop. This is bad because …
python string-concatenation anti-patternsI was reading the Singleton article on Wikipedia and I came across this example: public class Singleton { // Private constructor prevents …
java oop singleton anti-patternsIs it possible to block users from closing the window using the exit button [X]? I am actually providing a …
javascript dom-events anti-patternsAll of us who work with relational databases have learned (or are learning) that SQL is different. Eliciting the desired …
sql anti-patternsI am studying patterns and anti-patterns. I have a clear idea about patterns, but I don't get anti-patterns. Definitions from …
design-patterns terminology anti-patterns ooadPossible Duplicate: What is so bad about Singletons? Singleton Design Pattern: Pitfalls Singleton anti-pattern I've heard recently that Singleton is …
design-patterns anti-patternsWhat is the most evil or dangerous code fragment you have ever seen in a production environment at a company? …
anti-patternsI've recently overheard people saying that data transfer objects (DTOs) are an anti-pattern. Why? What are the alternatives?
java ejb dto anti-patterns data-transfer-objectsThis question was sparked by a discussion around this article, where I did not receive any good answers. Why should …
logging exception-handling anti-patternsCan you post a short example of real, overdone spaghetti code, possibly saying what it does? Can you show me …
terminology anti-patterns