Top "Android-videoview" questions

An Android View to manage and display a video file.

How to capture a frame from video in android?

Hi i have made a custom video played in android.with some simple "play","pause","play again" and "capture" button.…

android android-videoview android-video-player
Compress Videos using FFMPEG and JNI

I want to create an android application which can locate a video file (which is more than 300 mb) and compress …

android ffmpeg java-native-interface android-videoview
Android VideoView Proportional Scaling

In Android's VideoView, is there any way to achieve the same effect as ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP? That is, I …

android android-layout video android-videoview
Get current view of ViewFlipper while it is flipping

There is any way to know want view is displayed on ViewFlipper while it is flipping? I have this problem : …

android viewflipper android-videoview
How to Play RTSP Video in Android?

I want to play Youtube Video on VideoView . I have searched very much & find that VideoView Support rtsp URL …

android video android-videoview rtsp youtube-channels
How do I get thumbnail of a video in android

I want some help in creating thumbnail of a video being recorded from my android phone and I got this …

android android-videoview video-thumbnails
Playing a video with JavaCV and FFmpeg

So, I'm developing a custom video player for Android but I need to play more than the android supported video …

android video ffmpeg android-videoview javacv
android: hiding media controller functions

I have a videoview and when the video starts, the media controller is shown for 3 seconds. I want to hide …

android android-videoview mediacontroller
android -What is the best way to play video in my application

I've encounter this problem many times , the problem is that I've a videoView in my application but it couldn't play …

android android-video-player android-videoview
Android VideoView not playing Portrait Orientation

THE PLATFORM: Developing in Eclipse using Android SDK 16. THE PROBLEM: I have a VideoView element that is supposed to fill …

android orientation android-videoview portrait