Top "Viewflipper" questions

ViewFlipper is a FrameLayout Container that will animate between two or more views that have been added to it

ViewPager with previous and next page boundaries

I'm designing a view with multiple pages. I want edges of previous and next pages to be show like below …

android android-viewpager viewflipper viewanimator
How to programmatically add multiple LinearLayouts into one view and then add to ViewFlipper?

I hope question title gives you a good description of the problem. I want to create this XML, but programatically (…

android layout android-linearlayout viewflipper
Android cursor error - "make sure cursor is initialized correctly before accessing data from it..."

I've got an activity where a viewflipper shows a list containing the artists from mediastore, which onitem click display a …

android listview cursor viewflipper mediastore
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views

What I want to have is a background image, which behaves like the stock homescreen or the weather app here: …

android background viewflipper horizontalscrollview
Get Resource Id from ImageView

I am trying to develop a little game. I have a ViewFlipper which has 50 pictures (random frequence of 4 pictures) in …

android resources imageview viewflipper identifier
How can i make a dynamic flipping screen(like that of iPhone) in Android

I am parsing data through the web service. I want the flipping horizontally rather than vertically. Here is a tutorial …

android viewflipper
How to set dynamic images to ViewFlipper in android?

I am doing like these it is loading static these image? public class ArchiveGroup extends Activity { Button btn; ViewFlipper flip; …

android viewflipper
Android : ViewFlipper Or ViewPager - Which is the better option?

I am getting stuck in one stage. I have a total of 20 to 25 images that should get animated like ViewPager …

android android-fragments android-viewpager viewflipper
Android ViewFlipper + Gesture Detector

I am using gesture detector to catch "flings" and using a view flipper to change the screen when this happens. …

android layout gesture swipe viewflipper
Touch Scroll on View Flipper in Android?

I have to achieve that the Touch Scroll on the ViewFlipper. For Example. I have two Images. At First, ViewFlipper …

android viewflipper android-gallery