Top "Viewflipper" questions

ViewFlipper is a FrameLayout Container that will animate between two or more views that have been added to it

How to programmatically add view in ViewFlipper

I have following main layout: <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/LinearLayout01" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_…

android viewflipper
Android: Flip Animation using XML for animation in android

For searching on net i found that there is ViewFlipper class that gives the Flip view animation between two view/ …

android animation android-layout viewflipper flip
Listener for ViewFlipper widget flipping events

I have a ViewFlipper implementation that needs to be improved. This ViewFlipper has three child views. Basically, I want an …

android viewflipper
How can I programmatically display a ViewFlipper's second child?

I have a ViewFlipper with 3 children. I want to be able to display any of these children initially. So for …

android viewflipper
Developing an Android Homescreen

I am working on an app that has a homescreen. This homescreen should behave like the android homescreen where you …

android viewflipper android-animation
Making a ViewFlipper like the Home Screen using MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE

Ok I have a ViewFlipper with three LinearLayouts nested inside it. It defaults to showing the first one. This code: // …

android android-animation viewflipper
Android Homescreen

Hey folks, this is my first post so go easy on me! I want to develop an application where you …

android viewflipper launcher
Swiping Images in ViewFlipper or ViewPager

I want to show an image at a time. On a swipe I want to change my image with sliding …

android performance android-viewpager viewflipper android-2.2-froyo
ViewFlipper vs Fragments

I have an Activity with a ViewFlipper that flips between a bunch of views (pages) with my data. I am …

android android-fragments viewflipper
ViewFlipper in app widgets

I'm playing around building a new widget and was looking at the Android app widget documentation, in particular the section …

android viewflipper android-appwidget