Top "Viewflipper" questions

ViewFlipper is a FrameLayout Container that will animate between two or more views that have been added to it

Android ViewFlipper not flipping

I have a ViewFlipper which should react to a fling gesture, but it does not. Activity @Override public void onCreate(…

android viewflipper
Trouble with detecting gestures over ListView

I have an Activity that contains a ViewFlipper. The ViewFlipper includes 2 layouts, both of which are essentially just ListViews. So …

android listview gesture viewflipper gesturedetector
Android:ViewFlipper animation

I have add a ViewFlipper in which has 2 linearlayout,and I have made an animation xml: left_in.xml: <?…

android viewflipper
Why does keyboard-slide crash my app?

If I physically slide out the keyboard on my Moto Droid A855, it crashes my test app with the stack …

android crash viewflipper
Get current view of ViewFlipper while it is flipping

There is any way to know want view is displayed on ViewFlipper while it is flipping? I have this problem : …

android viewflipper android-videoview