Top "Gesturedetector" questions

A Flutter widget which detects different types of gestures.

Flutter- GestureDetector not working with containers in stack

I have two containers in a stack and both containers have GestureDetector.The OnTap for the first container is working …

flutter gesturedetector
How to add a gesture detector to a view in Android

I was struggling with adding a gesture detector to a subview in my project. Do I override the parent's onTouchEvent …

android touch-event gesturedetector
Proper way to add GestureDector to Listview.builder card in Flutter?

I have an Expanded widget wrapped around a Listview.builder of Card. How can I make my card not only …

navigation widget flutter gesturedetector
How can I detect tap on the screen?

More specific where do I attach OnGestureListener so that I can detect onSingleTapUp everywhere on the screen, even if an …

android gesturedetector
Android: Opening a ContextMenu from onLongPress in custom WebView

I'm currently trying to get a custom WebView that displays a ContextMenu when it is pressed for a longer time. …

android webview contextmenu gesturedetector
Is there a better way to check Left/Right Drag in #flutter?

Is there a better way to check Left/Right Drag in #flutter. I have done it but somtime it works …

flutter gesturedetector
OnUp event on GestureDetector

My question is simple, where's the onUp event when implementing a GestureListener? I has a lot of events on the …

android event-listener gesturedetector
Android ListView with OnItemClickListener AND GestureDetector

I have a the following ListActivity: public class ShowDayActivity extends ListActivity implements OnItemClickListener { private GestureDetector gestureDetector; private View.OnTouchListener gestureListener; @…

android listview gesturedetector
Catch tap event on TextFormField

I am trying to catch the tap event on TextFormField into a flutter Form. I use a GestureDetector to do …

flutter gesturedetector
Move Events AFTER LongPress

How can I listen the move events after the LongPress is caled in my GestureDetector? When the user LongClick he …

android listener gesturedetector